Friday, December 29, 2006

Brief Respite

We hope you had a great holiday and you got everything you wished for. Unsung's little elves worked their fingers to the bones for you this season (but it was a happy sweatshop full of sugarplums and gumdrops) so we're giving them a little vacay. We figure you'll be busy staying true to your New Year's resolutions anyway, so you won't mind if Unsung is closed from January 1-14. Yes, we'll miss you, but as we like to say: a tired elf a dowdy outfit makes.

As a special gift to you who can't stay away, we'll give you free shipping on orders placed during January 1-14, which we will ship to you on the 15th. As we like to say: all things come to him who waits.

To those local to DC, we will be open briefly on Saturday, December 30th from 11 to 2 and closed on January 6th. Unsung Offline Saturdays will resume on January 13th at our regular time - 12 to 6.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Love the Look: Heroine Chic

Not to be confused with "Heroin Chic": dark bags under the eyes, bed-head, oversized clothing, and dark sunglasses are some of the telltale signs that the subject may be 'heroin-chic'. Despite looking like a bit of a slob, these individuals give off an air of confidence and glamor, a certain haughtiness amidst their substance abusing, crucifix wearing, and generally unhealthy appearance. Kate Moss and Johnny Depp are both heroin chic. (from Urban Dictionary)

We're talking about the heroine: a mythological or legendary woman having the qualities of a hero. : a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities. Our heroine wears a Liza Rietz Balloon Sleeve Top, AngelRox Pencil Skirt and requisite faraway look in her eyes.

Other herione looks we love: tenacious Lois Lane, androgynous Joan of Arc, activist Princess Di, glamorous and witty Katherine Hepburn.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Divine Miss M, Bette Midler, performing on the Today Show in ANGeLRoX's houndstooth pencil skirt

We're always excited to share great press on our beloved unsung designers. ANGeLRoX is a personal fave (I bought a rainbow array of angel wing tees for the 5 gals in my family this Christmas), so I'm thrilled about this post! We got the alert that Bette had purchased both the houndstooth and satin versions of ANGeLRoX's pencil skirt a few weeks ago, and behold, she wore it for her recent Today Show performance!

Ladies, I want to take this opportunity to make a comment. I've heard many of you
gorgeous women with great curves say you could "never wear a pencil skirt." I hope this post encourages you to try out something new. The Divine Miss M is a curvaceous lady, and the pencil skirt (paired with a fitted jacket and boots) makes her look svelte and slim.

Midler on NBC's Today Show from December 6th.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Unsung Sho Know How to Partay

Our holiday party was a huge success... too bad we don't remember any of it. Good thing our friends were kind enough to capture some of it on film for us (blackmail-able photos have been removed).

Did the invites say "Prison Theme"?

Greatest DJ duo on earth/Best nostril shot, Sean and KC

Our Big Wiener! Terri Holtz wins the Unsung Bag O' Goods

Unsung Co-Owners Grace & Alishia: always first to the bar, always last to leave

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Unsung Presents Indie Fashion at Crafty Bastards

Check out the video from our fashion show at Crafty Bastards 2006. The show featured Unsung designers and other designers who participated at Crafty Bastards. Several designers reworked Crafty Bastards t-shirts, which were modeled in the show then auctioned off to raise money for a local charity.

Friday, November 10, 2006


We got reamed out on DCist last Spring because we didn't carry it, and then we got wiped out of stock in our DC showroom when we started testing out men's clothing. The verdict is out: fellas love to shop indie too!

Check out the new Men's category at Unsung and check back often because we'll keep adding great stuff!

For now, we're loving these t-shirts, designed & destroyed in NYC by Urbane Couture. They've got great rock lyrics, most of which are not obvious (so you can represent without selling out). Even though this "I Wanna Be Your Dog" is certainly Iggy, we love when our boys wear them out with us.

It's no secret that I love argyle. It's on my socks, my sneakers, my undies, my sweaters, my wallpaper... I think it would be love at first sight if I came across a guy wearing this hand-painted and stitched argyle belt by Jon Wye.

Guys kind of get the shaft when it comes to accessorizing--there's only so much most of you are willing to do. One area our guy friends are willing to splurge is in technology, ie. gadgets. Which means they need equally stylish and unique ways to carry and protect their expensive toys. We think you'll love these new messenger bags by ETCETERA Media. If your girlfriend doesn't steal it from you first!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Accidentally Walked On To a Movie Set

NYC -- Got off the subway and noticed my dry cleaner had "Quarantine: Contagious Disease" signs out front. Note to self: Find new cleaners. On the next block, the little Vietnamese restaurant's windows were all broken. Same with the bakery next door. Someone got rowdy last night. And why are there clumps of grass and dirt all over the street? Something looks staged. Turns out I was walking through the set of I Am Legend, the Will Smith vampire flick set to come out next year. Turned the corner to my block and Will was getting out of his trailer. (Sweet trailer too, about a 100 times nicer than any rock star bus. I only saw the outside, of course.) Gotta go see if I can get a walk on!
(Photo by James Devaney - © - Image courtesy via

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bonnie Heart Clyde in Nylon--GO PORTLAND!

Cool Portland (OR) designer Bonnie Heart Clyde made it into this month's NYLON with a sweet write up about Portland’s burgeoning fashion scene and a mention of the shoes she designed!

Check out Bonnie Heart Clyde's free-hand embroidered apparel at, including soft hoodies and pullovers, shirt dresses and tunics. And check back in November for their incredible men's selection at Unsung.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sick Online Mag: Plaztik Features Our Friend Milda Bublys

Check out this spread. And we knew her when she was just a wee lass. You make us proud, baby girl!

An in-depth look as to how shallow, PLAZTIK, materialistic and completely narcissistic you can be. In this issue of, learn how to “Kiss Ass” like a 9-5 Pro, discover the quirky designs of our featured designer Milda Bublys and the first sneak peak into the Spring '07 Collections from New York Fashionweek, as well as Criminal street art more outrageous then ever. Holla!

Plaztik Mag is an on-line Glossy for Fashion insiders and all you regular people with mad style. You heard!?!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Beth Church Wins FGI Rising Star Award

Our designers keep knocking 'em dead! Congratulations to Beth Church on her Rising Star Award for her beadwork in the accessories category.

Fashion Group International Rising Star Awards
by Joel Lyons

Fashion might be an area that most have never contemplated as being Art, but think about it, what better canvas is there than the human frame?

“I definitely consider what I do as Art,” says Jennyvi Dizon. Dizon recently had her artistic endeavors recognized during the Rising Star Awards. Her bridal gown designs won her the honor of being the winner in the apparel category at the third annual event sponsored by the Arizona chapter of Fashion Group International, Inc.

“I’m still taking it in, I didn’t think I would win,” Dizon says, “I was competing against a lot of good talent.

The FGI Rising Star Awards seek to recognize up-and-coming designers such as Dizon in the areas of apparel, accessories and interior design. Originally started by the FGI’s New York chapter, their event served as the model for the show in Arizona. Contestants go through two rounds of the application process before the winners are announced after at the awards’ fashion show and design showcase display.

“It brings attention to talent that should be recognized,” says Stephanie Edge, an evening gown designer and recipient of a Rising Star Award last year. Edge is adamant about making the fashion scene better in Arizona.

“I love fashion, and anything that helps boost people here’s appreciation, I’m for it,” she says of the awards.

The appreciation continues to build as the artists’ creativity evolves. Beth Church, who won a Rising Star Award this year for her beadwork in the accessories category, is “kind of a romantic” and made jewelry for her dolls when she was a child. Her grandmother was a model, but Church didn’t start design until her children got older.

“I had always collected vintage jewelry,” she says. “I went to Europe and found vintage jewelry. I love unusual trinkets; they’re so much more interesting to me than new stuff.” The History Channel is a source for many of her designs. “I watch it while I’m doing my work,” she says. Church is a fan of different time periods like the Renaissance. She searches the mall and eBay to get a theme going in her mind and holds on to trinkets she finds for future use.

“When I find good pieces, I think ‘how can I make them relevant so someone could use them,’” she says. She may use the unusual pieces that she finds by attaching them to a modern trend such as layered necklaces. Before that, the components may find themselves inspiring her while she sleeps.

“I carry [everything] in a black velvet bag and put it under pillow,” she says. “My designs come to me at night or in the morning, so then I’ll go and put it together. If I think of something at 3 in the morning, I get up, work on it until I get done, because if I put it aside I feel like I might lose some of those little ideas.”

“When I have an idea I like to do it right away, but sometimes it’s hard depending on the orders I have,” says Kate Groves, FGI’s award winner in 2005 in accessories for her handbag designs. Groves was also a judge during this year’s competition.

“Designing new things takes longer than doing what you already know and you have to fit it into process,” she says, but Groves admits that on occasion, her idea for a new handbag might move to the front of the pack.

“A lot of my ideas are inspired by other fashion that’s out there,” she says. Her clientele consists of boutiques shoppers, her online presence, and word-of-mouth from her supportive friends and family.

“Whenever I go to events at [my daughter’s] school or to lunch with friend, I’ll always bring something new and ask their opinion,” she says. “The more opinions you have, the better. I’ll also stick things on my website to gauge approval, too.”

Christopher Natale has a harder time of carrying around his designs. He specializes in the competition’s third category, interior design. As a Rising Star Award winner in 2005, Natale finds sketching his designs by hand helps him flesh out his idea before turning it into a reality.

“I’ll have as many as 100 thumbnail sketches that each take a minute or as little as 30 seconds,” he says. The multiple drawings help him determine the measurements of his custom-built furniture. Natale specializes in taking contrasting exotic woods and blending them into one piece, such as a nightstand or an end table. He also designs lamps. His design inspirations come from a variety of objects such as machinery and sail boats, focusing not just on looks, but also functionality. He, just like every one of the ladies, was quite shocked when they won in their respective categories and years.

“I actually entered the competition last year,” Jennyvi Dizon says, but the disappointment of not winning last year was another push to innovate her style. Since she loves designing wedding gowns, she includes a little splash of color that jazzes up the traditional garments. “I didn’t know how it would go,” says Dizon, who acknowledges that she appreciates the recognition she received from the FGI.

“Does it stop being Art?” The words of Stephanie Edge ponder the question of whether or not she considers designing a form of Art. “When I put in those big hour weeks, my art and business mix. Since I’m a business owner I have to look at with both sets of eyes. I started as artist,” she says, “so the combination is equal. If I had to choose one over the other, I’d say I was an artist first.”

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Astroturf Showing

Artist Adam Griffiths exhibited his artwork in our store on October 5th. He is an artist who is showing with Astroturf, a mobile-roaming art gallery. The company doesn't have a gallery space of its own but displays artwork in various locations such as laundromats, U-Hauls and bars.

The event was a great time! The store was packed full of people. We had an amazing caterer (the artist's mom) and a DJ spinning. All in all, the evening was extremely successful and Adam sold a lot of his work.

We just posted a new slideshow on our myspace website that you can check out!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

VIP Exclusive Fashion Show

On September 27th, Unsung Designers, along with Saeyoung Vu Couture and Kimberly Kouture, showcased their trendiest fashions in a VIP Exclusive fashion show at Paper Moon, an Italian restaurant in Georgetown.

Here is a link to some photos of models showing off clothing from Unsung Designers. Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Crafty Bastards is Here Again: Sunday, October 1

We're really excited to present the Crafty Bastards Fashion Show with DJ Saggitore and emcee Trixie Little. Trixie Little and the Evil Hate Monkey will provide colorful commentary during the show--this event is not to be missed! Indie fashion rules when Crafty Bastards hits the runway! We're also hosting the Crafty Bastards Reconstructed T-Shirt Silent Auction, a benefit for the Patricia M. Sitar Center for the Arts.

Come on down and join the fun--the show starts promptly at noon on Sunday, October 1. featured in Lucky

With all the talk of bastards and evil hate monkeys, did we mention this is a family event? Sublime crafters from all over will be there selling their hand-made goods--from clothing and accessories to paper goods, toys, home accessories and more. Several local yummy shops like Cakelove, Sticky Fingers and Carmen's Italian Ice will be there. Pancake Mountain will be filming an episode so bring the kids!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Adam Griffiths Show & Astroturf Art at Unsung

Astroturf and Unsung Designers are exhibiting the gorgeously grotesque pen & ink drawings of artist Adam Griffiths. Star guests will include Adam, his art work, the hot threads of Unsung Designers, food and drink, and DC's turntable superstars. Start off the night right and, yes, beware of those exploding eyeballs...

As most of you know by now, we're dead serious about supporting small, independent business (look back on our rants and tirades against generica in press, interviews, our myspace and this blog). Even better when the indie biz is a roving art gallery and the show features a local artist! All are welcome!

Astroturf Art is a new, independent, roving art gallery with no one space to call its own. Each month a new show will be on display in a different location somewhere in the city - laundromats, bars, U-Hauls... Every show will include one or two or a handful of pieces by dc artists working in all different media.

>>> art. no real turf. <<<

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Unsung Designers Always a Step Ahead of Trends: Part 4

Do we need to go on? These completely fashion forward examples tell us to go with the indie designers if we want to step out in style and ahead of the pack. Okay, here's one more for you to sleep on... then go shopping at Unsung tomorrow!

Big bags are all the rage and only getting bigger. So much that the trend made the cover of this week's New Yorker (an illustration of a woman whose bag doesn't quite make it into the revolving door with her). We adore these incredible black and white pieces by November 18, sold at Unsung last Spring (only because N18's Fall 2005 delivery was delayed!).

Oversized Bag: November 18, Spring 2006

Oversized Bag: Zac Posen, Fall 2006 (photo courtesy of

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Unsung Designers Always a Step Ahead of Trends: Part 3

This gold metallic riding jacket was sold at Unsung (in various gorgeous brocades) a year ago!

Metallic: Kareen Smith, Fall 2005

Metallic: Etro, Fall 2006 (photo courtesy of

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Unsung Designers Always a Step Ahead of Trends: Part 2

We're not into real fur, but we knew this little faux fur shrug was hot when Misile made it for us LAST YEAR! Check it out.

Fur (ours is faux, thank you): Misile, Fall 2005

Fur: Costello Tagliapietra, Fall 2006 (photo courtesy of

Monday, September 18, 2006

Unsung Designers Always a Step Ahead of Trends

We try and we try to tell you that independent designers are ahead of the fashion curve, and if we MUST give you examples we will. How huge is the bubble skirt/dress this season? It's all we've been seeing and the above-the-knee cut in a gorgeous stretch wool is our favorite for fall.

The Bubble Skirt: Deirdre Brett, Fall 2005

The Bubble Skirt: Reyes, Fall 2006 (photo courtesy of

Saturday, September 16, 2006

More Birthday Pics

We love these great shots of some of our littlest customers. Like we always say, start them shopping early!

Mom, how do I look in this floral tunic? Work the mirror, baby!

Waiting outside for mom and stylin' in a cool straw hat.

Already color coordinating: shirt, hat AND balloon!

I believe you need the 4-legged style.

Friday, September 15, 2006

As Promised

Our 1st birthday bash was better than we ever could of imagined. Thanks to everyone for coming out and celebrating with us! This past year has been amazing and we hope to have many more wonderful years with all of you.

Grace helps a customer fit a dress by Prizy Sebastian

Someone found the Red Vines!

Our friends (Adams Morgan Day volunteers for the day) stop by for a refreshment

Customers relax and shop

Alishia and Tamara working Unsung's booth at Adams Morgan Day

Keep on coming!

Our 'hood

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Yeah Unsung!

Our 1st birthday party was a huge success thanks to all our loyal customers, old and new, our amazing designers whose creativity keeps us excited, and our beloved friends who pitch in to help us time and time again. More pictures to come soon!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Unsung Supports Fenty for D.C. Mayor!

D.C. Mayoral candidate Adrian Fenty dropped by Unsung on our 1st birthday! Here is Mr. Fenty with Unsung co-owner Alishia Frey.Unsung supports Fenty because of his track record as a D.C. council member and his roots in D.C. His family owns our favorite local store for running and athletic shoes: Fleet Feet. They're one of the dwindling numbers of independent stores still remaining in Adams Morgan (Unsung's neighborhood) and they are THE go-to place for runners. In fact, my friend who lives in NYC still buys her running shoes at Fleet Feet on trips to D.C if that tells you anything. We think Fenty is the best candidate to revitalize downtown neighborhoods by making them small-business friendly.
At right, Fenty talks shop with co-owners Grace Wang and Alishia Frey.

Don't forget to vote on November 7th! Go to to read more about Fenty's vision for D.C. and find your voting place.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Zygo and 44N Make a Great Party Un****believable!

We want to give our "refreshment" sponsors a MASSIVE THANK YOU for supplying us with amazing vodkas and drink recipes. So many of our customers asked what was in those fruity delish drinks, we had to share.

Zygo Energy Vodka is a slightly peach flavored vodka with natural stimulants like Yerba Mate and Guarana. No wonder they call it the "morning vodka." Our new favorite drink: 1 part Zygo, 1 part pink grapefruit juice, splash of soda. Serve on ice. Be happy!

As for 44N, well it's just the Huckleberry Goodness from Idaho. We mixed this one with lemonade and cranberry. Mmm, mmmm.

Bartender Brant mixing up a new batch of Zygo Punch.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Labor Day Sale at Unsung!

Online and in our D.C. showroom. After the September 10th, these styles are gone for good.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Saltlick Tee in Yeah Yeah Yeahs Video!

Did anyone notice that Karen O is wearing a Saltlick Ribs Tee in the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Turn Into video?

Get yours at And check out Saltlick's other great applique tees. You can also meet Saltlick in person at D.C.'s Crafty Bastards festival on Sunday, Oct. 1!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Gina Michele in Coveted NY Times Sunday Styles

Excerpted from "A Different Beat" (The New York Times, Sunday, August 20, 2006): A mod twist on a tweed coat by Gina Michele is $210.

And what better time to show off this shawl-collar wide cuff coat--which will be available at in September--and Gina Michele's other gorgeous pieces than right before Labor Day (when summer is unofficially over, booo!). We can't do anything about the end of summer, but we're super excited for Gina Michele's Fall collection of tweeds, corduroys and luxe printed satins (think pinecones, bonsai trees, unlikely color combinations, a whole lot of fun!).

You'll want to grab some of Gina Michele's spring/summer pieces on sale at Unsung now. Very limited quantities of her popular Bianca Dress, Owl Tank, and Bottle Top (as seen in Daily Candy) are still in stock, but not for long.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Phyl Casual Couture in September Lucky

We want to give a shout out to the talented designer of Phyl Casual Couture, who was featured as a "great pick" in the September issue of Lucky. Phyl Couture is understated, elegant, comfortable and always pretty. We love the soft jersey dresses with details like beading and lace trim because they travel like a charm (they take up no space in a suitcase and resist wrinkles) and they look great from day to night. Shop Phyl at now!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Who Has Better Hair?

Daniel V. from season 2


Alison from this season?

They both have the deep side part thing going. And great bangs. I love Alison's shade of blonde, plus she's adorable. But then again so is Daniel. I'm going with Alison on this one. Alison has the best hair of all the designers so far.
(photos from BravoTV/ProjectRunway)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Our Interview In

Take a look at our interview in (your guide to totally haute stuff), where we talk about the importance of buying indie. BussBuss is a style & shopping guide/blog with sections like 'haute clicks,' 'haute talk,' haute shops,' and 'total hauties.' And while you're at it, sign up to receive your Daily Buss.

Monday, July 24, 2006

gr.dano in WWD

Always a best-seller at Unsung, Bay-area indie designer gr.dano was recently featured in WWD. This comes off the heels of the 7x7 magazine "The Very Best of SF"
edition naming gr.dano "Best Fall Fashions to Covet Now" as well as receiving the "Masterminds" award in the SF Weekly "Best of SF" edition. Congrats!

You can shop gr.dano now, or check back with us in September for their Fall collection. Remember, we ship worldwide.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Our Fave Show: Season 3

I almost forgot that season 3 of Project Runway starts tonight! I can't imagine getting as sucked in by the drama as I did last season--Frau Klum's pregnancy S&M outfits, Kara's breakdowns, Michael Kors' crazy irrelevant critiques, Daniel V's hair, the Tim & Andre show, Santino in general... so emotionally draining. Everyone watch at 9 and we'll discuss who we hate tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Keeping America Beautiful, Homeboy Style

We hate how some people get to bask in the limelight while others--usually the ones doing all the real work--get no credit at all. So we're here to give a MASSIVE and HEARTFELT THANK YOU to the Adams Morgan Partnership Business Improvement District cleaning crew.

Not only do they keep the neighborhood and our beloved alley in ship shape, but they do it with a sense of humor and a whole lotta style. Pictured here is one of the fellas, who stepped in to relieve our tired model during our last photo shoot. Maybe he should try another line of work? Looking good guys!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Angel is the Centerfold

Whether or not you're into football or into the 'Skins, there's no denying these Redskinettes are smokin' in Belabunda's Mermaid bikini. The halter-style tops are covered with lightweight discs that look like scales. The bikinis in this picture are mix-matched; normally the tops and bottoms are the same color and all bottoms have a contrasting lace trim.

Check out Belabunda's other styles. They're cute, funky and totally fun to wear. They are also very limited edition, so get yours soon!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

They're Heeeere!

We've been waiting for November 18's leather bags for months, and the result is sweeter than we could have imagined. The oversized shoulder bag is ruched at the top and the handles are covered in leather. The clutch has an ingenious handle and pleat details. The bags come in black and white.

Also check out November 18's one-of-a-kind necklaces. The pieces are composed of lightweight chains, asymmetrically placed beads and pearls, and finished with a raw silk ribbon at the closure. If you're a smart shopper, you'll notice similar (but we think overdone and not as nice) pieces at Barney's for about 10x the price.