It was a cold and rainy night...
But despite the weather outside, the mood at Gen Art's 2007 New Garde show was hot and energetic. The massive space on 12th Ave. (The Waterfront) was the perfect setting for the designer installations. I loved this format--models "hung out" during the entire presentation while guests gathered around to view the collections. This was no easy feat, especially for the models for FORM, who stood for hours on 3+ inch lucite heels atop narrow inclining platforms.
Boutique darling Geren Ford showed her collection in a series of 3-sided rooms set up with everyday items. The models sat around reading, writing, lounging, chatting with each other and staring back at the crowd.

At FORM, the feel was futuristic. This was my favorite installation, where I felt the vision was most focused: lines, shapes, function and form.

CHRISHABANA's fantasy-inspired prints were all about color. The kabuki makeup and contrasting bangs created and interesting effect.